Thursday, July 27, 2006


Back at home in Colorado.
I had a very quick visit in IL. Got to see my sisters, Barb and Joey and their families. Got my hair re-done by Molly. I love it. Got to play a lot and laugh with Brock. Saw my dearest friend Barb R. who took me out to lunch at a steakhouse. Oh, and we got a Moolatte. YUM. Got to eat Silo Pizza, and mexican food, and Olando's, and went to the Lake County Fair, in Grayslake , IL, Also went to Lamb's farm in Libertyville, IL. That is a place where they employ mentally challenged adults and give them a meaningful job. It was fun. I was so excited to be a part of Brock's first pony ride. He was so cute petting all the animals, goats, buc-buc's(chickens), horses, sheep, pigs, puppies, kittens, lizards, fish, cows, Well he didn't pet the fish. haha. It was so much fun. I told him when he comes out to Grandma's house he can ride the horses and pet goats and cows. I hope he remembers. I can't wait for them to come out. Also got to see Katie, Tommy, Zaih, Maya and Denver, Krista, Hayden and smily little Reece. I didn't get to see Mandy or Heidi. I wish I could of but the time just went soooo fast.
The train ride from Denver to Chicago was five hours late. Then coming back to Denver we were 2 and a half hours late. I do not enjoy the train anymore. Too long. But just being with little Brock and away from the daily grind was so great. I didn't get to see 2 friends I wanted to. :( Next time??? Bob picked me up at 9:30 am and we went out to breakfast. It was good getting home . But my heart is totally back with Brock.
I want to thank everyone who made my trip so fun..You know who you are. All of the above. God Bless you all...Gail/Mom/Aunt Gail/Grandma :)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

From Bulls to Steers..............

Yo, Its a beautiful Saturday here in Colorado. We got up at 5:30 and by six we were driving up to Monarch Pass the famous ski area, and beyond to where Bob's folk's tend that Lodge. Since it rained last weekend when Bob was there, today was bull castrating day. And I helped!!!! Wow, being a girl from the suburbs of Chicago, I could hardly believe I was helping turn Bulls into Steers. One by one they get in the shoot. They get their shots. Bob's brother does the cutting and then pulls the actual testicals and veins down and slices them off, and handed them to ME!! Very warm, bloody, gross 'Rocky Mountain Oysters'. I took them over to the table where they stacked up. Then they get a spray so there is no infection. I found myself covered in blood. Well, my shirt and hands anyway. They he branded them. Oh they did not like that part. A big MOOOOOOOO and then it was over. Bob's dad, is the sweetest man I know. He loves me and I love him. Well, he bet me a whole dollar I couldn't put one on my tongue. Huh, I showed him. And we got a picture of me doing that. GROSS. I felt like I was on fear factor. I think I have lost my mind. Blame it on the altitude. So what did we do with the old bull parts you ask? We cooked them up for lunch!!! Yes, we did, and I tried---one bite. Only one. It didn't taste like beef, or chicken. I don't see the big deal in these things. Yuck.
Well, I hope I didn't gross anybody out too much. I just had to share this because I know my family will hardly believe it. Have a great week all. Gail..p.s. I leave by train Weds for IL...choo choo.....

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Worship music............and me

Good afternoon all.. Here's stuff on my mind. I was going to go with Bob up to see his folks at the ranch they tend to. But, the devil got in here and had us say ugly stuff to eachother and I didn't go. It's a two plus hour drive up there. I am at a point where I don't like to go for long drives. Why? Because I am always wondering if the car will break down. Isn't that stupid? Not so unususal though, if you know us. Bob left this morning in his Subaru with Fay, the dog. Then about 10 minutes later, Bob comes home and starts loading up my car and empting his. I say "What are you doing? He said
" I'm taking your car, mine is acting up." OK. He leaves again and I just vaccuumed, cleaned the house, and took a nap. I took the dogs out and I see the stuff you put fires out with by Bob's car. I guess his car was on fire. Yikes. This doesn't seem good at all. Oh well. It is after 5:30pm and he isn't home yet. He had to help give puppies shots and help castrate bulls. Doesn't that sound so fun? AAA----NO.
On another note, my friend Kelley had her Doctor's appointment yesterday. They found 32 little tumor things. I am still leaning on God to heal her. Totally. She is an awesome christian woman I work with. She is a rock to me. Funny, sweet, and one of the best pre school teachers in the world! I just want her to be healed, and not have to worry so much anymore. 'God, please heal my friend Kelley, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Give her comfort and wrap your arms around her. Let her feel your Peace. Amen.'
There is so many things I could blog, but I just want to stay with what is on my mind. Praise and worship music.
I have my car radio set to 3 great christian stations in Colorado Springs. It helps my day start out good. Singing praises to my Jesus as I drive the 11 miles to work. I love it. I love 'Mercy Me', 'Jars of Clay', Michael W Smith, 'Evalon', and about 100 other bands. I love singing to my Jesus. Some people would think that is dumb, well I love my Jesus and thats all I want to do. I guess I will fit in heaven. They sing praise to Jesus all the time. I lift my hands and get into the words I am singing. To HIM.
I have had a very hard time trying to forgive myself for the so many mistakes I have made. When I worship I go to a different place where I feel safe. I feel this is where Jesus can really hear me, and see my heart. I love going to church and worshiping HIM or just in my car worshipping Him. "Open The Eyes of my heart Lord...Open the eyes of my heart, I want to see you, Lord, I want to see you....., Holy, Holy, Holy , Holy, Holy, Holy, I want to see you. To see you high and lifted up, shining with the light of your glory, pour out your power and Love as we sing Holy, Holy,Holy." Its not written out in order, but it is one beautiful song. There are just so many worship songs out there. It keeps my God tank filled up. I need that. I want to be a better person for HIM, For Bob, and for my family and friends. I just gotta keep my eyes on the Great 'I AM.' So many people and situations on my prayer list right now. Here are just some.....
Kelley to be healed................................
Glen to get his double lung transplant and heal from it and not reject it........
Mike's brother, Tommy to continue to heal from his 35 foot fall onto cement, and put Christ first.......
Molly to call me more or email me more just to say she loves me.........................
Our friend Mitch to continue to heal from his car crash, one year ago................
Bob to be less angry and for his knee to heal...........................................
Me to be a better Christian and to be a better witness......................................
My work place to be more structured, and people to get along........................
For all of the children I take care of there............................................................
Bob's work and his future schooling.....................................................................
My family, Bob's family, and our friends to have Jesus in their hearts.................
Greg, Cheryl, Ashley and Brooke to have a nice and safe life while they are in Malaysia(sp)for four years.................
Heidi and Jim to able to have children................................................
Mandy to have less stress in her life..........................................................
Mike to be happy ..........................................................................................
Katie's body and mind to be healed...................................................................
And for Brock, that he grows up to be a strong Christian....................................

Thank you Lord, for these things you put on my heart to pray for.........Bless each person in my life.....I love You...Gail

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Molly is 25


Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'm Blond........................

Sunday, Sunday. Church was really good. Bob and I got to serve communion together. Our church is getting so big, we are buying a new building. We average 450 people a weekend. Such a great Pastor! THE VINEYARD ROCKS!! Check out the web site to our awesome church.....
After church, Bob and I went out to breakfast at a new place, in Canon City. 'The Trail's End Cafe.' Wow, really good food. Tell your friends. :)
Forgot to tell you yesturday, but yesturday morning, before the wedding, I got bit by a RAT. Yes, the rodent kind. A domestic, white rat. Gross. Then after that I was cleaning and I vaccuumed the carpet and it was smelling like it was burning. So I was looking at the vaccuum belt and I touched it, and burnt the same finger. DUH. I'm ok.
My little daughter, Molly will be 25 years old this Wednesday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY MOLLY GIRL. I love you.!!!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Today was Jessica and Justin's wedding. The ceremony went very well and just as it was ending, outside, It began to rain, and rain, and rain. It poured. There were some tents, and a camper that some of us hung out in. Finally, about an hour later, it slowed down and we continued the reception. I was the photographer, and I ended up using 8 rolls of film. About 192 pictures. Jess looked beautiful and she was as cool as could be. She got dressed at our house. I got the honor of lacing up her beautiful dress. She was married at her parents home surrounded by family, friends and strings of lights, hay stakes, cowboy rope, wagon wheels, trucks and a John Deere tractor. It was a perfect country wedding. The meat was grilled, and everyone brought something to share. So fun. So unfancy. A little wet, but so much fun. Now is when I pray that all the pictures turn out. Gulp. Justin and Jessica, I wish you two, decades of love and caring for eachother, but most of all, know how much God loves you both and will be with you everyday. Amen...............Gail ps Thanks God for the much needed rain in our town. :)