Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just about today.

Yep, I am camera crazy. The top picture is a beautiful sunset God made the other day. The next one is me with the flag. The next one is me today. And the last one is Bob's garden.

Bob went up to the ranch again. This time he took both dogs. It's so quiet here. I did collect 22 eggs today. The baby chicks are getting big. It is so cute to watch them jump up and try and catch bugs on plants. I just sit out there and watch chickens. What a life huh?

Yesterday was a bummer. I had to take my 4 year old Malibu Maxx car into the Dealership and got new rotors, brakes and pads put on. $900.00 plus for all that. It sucks. Thank you Bob for paying for that, for us.

No word on the Kansas job yet. It is very hard waiting for a yes or no. AAAGGGHHHH. Ok time to hit the hay, Have a great weekend . Gail

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Well we did it. We went to the local shelter and found our new dog. He was a found dog. So they named him Jude. We took him home for the weekend for a test drive. He is about a year old. He is a Heeler mix. We named him Vinny. Brock named him 'Potato Head'. So his name is "VINNY POTATO HEAD". Vinny is very loving and sweet. Right now he is with Bob visiting his dad at the ranch. Hopefully Vinny will come home trained. Ha ha. Izzy was a bit overwhelmed at first, but now they are very good buds. We hope he grows to protect her. Vinny is a cutie. He fits right into our family.
No word on the Kansas gig yet. It is all in God's hands.
Today when I was outside, I saw one of the many feral barn cats 'IN' the baby chick pen. I flipped out. I yelled and the stupid cat had a baby chick in his mouth. I scared the cat out and it dropped the chick. The baby is OK. Now I really want Bob to cover the whole outside area. Stupid cats. Our landlords feed these filthy cats so they shouldn't be hungry for chicks. I was so mad! If it were up to me, I would get rid of all feral cats for good. It makes me sick they interbreed within their family. Yuck. Too many cats in the USA. ******SPAY AND NEUTER!******
The last note. Tomorrow July 23, marks the 4Th year since my wonderful mother passed away from Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm . I miss you MOM..A lot. Love, Gail

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Our new babies.
A cross at Willow Creek Church for Baptism.
One of the roses Mike gave Molly for her Birthday.

Wow, it's July17th. Bob and I just got back from Kansas. He had an interview. They flew us there and put us up in a motel, and got us a rental car. It was fun. Bob's interview went very long, and very well. We shall see what God has planned for us. Stay in Colorado? Or move to the land of OZ. It is all in God's hands and I don't care either way. We ate Bar-B-Que at 'Gates', a famous place in Kansas City. It was good. I did not take one picture the whole three days. Can you believe it? Me? I just didn't see anything I was excited about. Please no comments about Dorthy or Toto. Ha Ha.

Today Bob and I went to a funeral at our church. It was for a wonderful 61 year old man. He was the youngest sibling out of 8. The five brothers sang together, and man they were good. The two sisters also sang. The whole family are all Christians. One of the brothers did the service and preached about what JOE wanted him to say. Find Jesus. Accept Jesus, Love Jesus, Live for Jesus, and always ask Jesus to forgive your sins. It was so great. That is how I want my memorial service. I just want all my family and friends to accept Jesus into their hearts so they can go to heaven. Joe had cancer, and he knew he was going to heaven. He preached one Sunday, saying, " It's a win-win ending, I could get healed and that would be great!!!! , Or I could die in this life and be in heaven with my Jesus.!!!" "It's a win-win thing." So now Joe is in Heaven, all better and rejoicing.

Tonight I helped Bob re-arrange the baby chicks. We have about 30 and man are they cute. It kind of impresses me how much Bob knows about all the chickens. The different breeds and how to care about them. He is very bird smart. As well as Dog smart. We had Izzy spayed last week and she is doing very good. She is Daddy's girl. She loves to go out and help him with the chickens,(and chase the barn cats). We miss Pilgrim so much. I cried on the plane home looking out the window just thinking about him. He was great. I hated how he got hurt and died. That is the saddest part of all. It just doesn't seem like our home without him. It's not like he was old. He was only 2. So sad.

Ok, That is about all for now. I miss Brock and all my family and friends in IL. That trip was fun. I have been in many airplanes the last month. Tomorrow we are having our carpet cleaned. :) I get so excited about this. It's the little things that I love. So much going on. Auctions, travel, eggs and chickens, Bob, and church. This weekend we greet and I help in the nursery. Bob is bar-b-queing at the church. Keepin busy.

This next week is the 4th year since my Mom died. July 23. Man, I miss her.

Have a nice weekend and week everyone.. Be kind to each other.....Love, Gail XO

Monday, July 07, 2008

Sorry Clay

I meant Clay Guida....UFC...Tapout baby...below.

My Trip

Brock by the pool.
My BFF and her hubby.
Maya, Za, Denver and Gramma Barb
Gramma Gail's favorite Boy in the world.
Barb (my sister) and me.
Brock and stop action photography
Baptisms at Willow Creek
Mike, Brock and Molly. Molly's birthday cake
Molly did my hair, cut and color.... gray removal

This is the day we had hail. Lots of hail.
Brock took this picture of me.
At the Milwaukee Zoo.
My two cuties.
Niece Katie with her sweet kids.

Hey I'm home. I just wanted to add a few pictures to the blog below. I can say I did a lot....I taught Brock how to use my camera. He is a natural!!! Went to the Milwaukee Zoo w/ Molly, Brock and their little friend., went to a hotel with sister Barb, Pete, Denver, Maya, Zah, and Brock (that was a blast). Long live the Holidome. Pete was the entertainment. A balloon animal making machine on stilts, I went to the greatest Goodwill with Barb, Went to Bill's Pub with Barb and Jim R. FUN and Yummy. Got an autograph and picture from Clay Guido the UFC fighter. Yes I like UFC fighting. , Molly did my hair. Thanks MOLLY. Went to The Choo Choo restaurant with sister Jo and Brock, went to Willow Creek, with Brock and sister Barb, to watch a lot of people get baptised in the Lake. That was awesome! Went to lots of different restaurants. My sis and I drove through huge water puddles in her car and yelled. That was fun. Went to see the movie WALL E with Brock and Molly. Go see it, it gets 2 thumbs up from us. Celebrated the 4th of July with Mike, Molly and Brock. Watched the fire works way closer than I ever want to again. I was hit with firework shells a couple times. You should have seen Mike and Molly laughing. HA HA. But it was fun. Then ended the trip by celebrating Molly's birthday. Mike baked her a cake! I am glad I was there, he asked me if it was alright to use OLIVE OIL in the batter. Uh...NO. It turned out very great. He also whipped up a banana cream pie. What a guy. He sent a dozen red roses to Molly at work the day before. How romantic. It was very fun and I know I forgot a lot of fun stuff. Maybe the pictures will help. Ok enjoy and write to me....Love, Gail

Saturday, July 05, 2008


Hey my vacation is almost over. :( I want to say thank you to everyone who came to get me or took me places or fed me. I had a great time. Molly and Mike, thanks for letting me stay with you guys. Thanks for getting married, having Brock who brings me so much love and joy I can't express it. MOLLY.>>>>>>>>> HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY, JULY 5. 27 years ago I gave birth to a beautiful 8 pd 11 oz baby girl. God blessed her dad and I that day and I will always be grateful to HIM for letting me be a mom 27 years ago today. I LOVE YOU MOLLY!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Barb, my sister and I went to Goodwill today and she got me some very cute tops. Thanks Sis. I love Goodwill.
I have come to a place in my life where, I do not want to be puffy, or greedy, or self centered. I have been humbled by God over and over. I try, never to try to impress anyone. I look at people in other towns, countries, or anywhere in the world, and I see how some people have NOTHING! No house, just a hut, no yard, just dirt, or even homeless people. They live so meekly. Some would say, "Oh get a job you lazy ----" Or , "You put yourself where you are." Well that could be so, but think about it, humble yourself, sometimes God gives us a bad circumstance for a way for us to learn from it. I just hate when people have these huge houses with room after room, and so much space for what? Are they helping anyone? Do they really know how blessed they are? DO YOU know how blessed you are? I whine all the time that the house we are in is so small. So what? I whine I don't have a bath tub. I whine that our kitchen is so small. So what? I have to think about other people who have nothing or barely nothing. I am truly blessed!!! Besides the Bible says do not covet. Covet is wanting what someone else has. It seems we always want more......Will MORE get us into heaven? Nope. We came into this world with nothing and we shall leave this world with nothing. It's still all about Finding Jesus, Accepting Jesus into our lives, loving Jesus, thanking Jesus, and in the end being able to have eternal life in heaven. Whoa it is such a big thing to wrap yourself around.
So in ending this today, Thank you all again for the fun I have had in IL and WI. Food, beds, clothes, rides, gifts, friendship and caring, all of it. I will post pictures when I get home. Oh and Barb, thanks for letting me use your computer to write and post this. LOVE YOU!!!