Friday, October 31, 2008


Stretchin girl

Izzy in her Lobster outfit.

Izzy in her Hot Dog outfit.

Izzy being my girl.

Izzy in her winter coat. What a cutie. I love you Izzy Doodle. Mom

I totally forgot my little Izzy's 2nd Birthday. Her Birthday was October 24. So here are some of her pictures, I had to share with everyone. HAPPY BELATED 2ND BIRTHDAY IZZY !!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


What a dumb day. Bob came home Weds. because he heard his dad went to the ER Sunday. No one called us. Art is doing better. So on a bright side, Bob is home for a couple days. :) On the bad side of this I broke out in Hives all over my neck, arms, and face and head. Went to the walk-in clinic again, and they gave me a 50 mg shot of Benedryl in my backside. They asked if I had a ride home, because this large of a dose would knock me out. Thank God Bob was there. I thought the hives were from combining meds, but the NP told me it looks like more from Stress or a food allergy I have. It has been 8 hours since my shot and I still have hives all over my neck. It is so itchy and uncomfortable. I did sleep for hours when we got home. I feel so bad, Bob comes home after being gone a month and half, and I am sick. I want to feel better so I can take care of him while he is here. I had to call in to work today and it was Pajama day. All the kids and staff wear their comfy jammies to school. I missed that. I am sad. The NP gave me note to not return to work til Monday. Kim I am so, so sorry I wasn't there for you today. I really wanted to be. I felt so crappy all day, so I am glad I didn't try to go to work. So that's life here right now.
Bob took apart some of the chicken coops with his dad to take to their house. So all in all Bob got a little bonding time in with his awesome dad and his brother Rex. Ok back to the couch I go. Bob will be heading to Kansas after the weekend. :( Be safe.....Gail

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I am happy. But sad. I went to a memorial service today, for a 15 year old boy who took his own life. I felt like deja vu with my niece Laurie's service. I cried. Everyone cried. This awesome boy was on the football team, in ROTC, he was the friend who everyone loved and looked up to. So why????? I will never, never understand why people feel life will be better if they aren't here. I worked with the boy's grandpa Vern . They are so hurting. So sad!!!!!! Please pray for this wonderful family...

Oh a happier note, I sold 34 chickens today. Yes. we have about 18 birds left. That is so nice. Less money for feed, less feed, less work. I like it. I thank Bob for letting us sell 34 chickens. Yee Haw. So now I will still be collecting eggs everyday with the left over birds, but sure can't sell like I did. I'm happy. Its a weight lifted off me. I borrowed a boy from church to help me clean the coops yesterday. I paid him for his time. We talked a lot. Good kid.

So that is my life this weekend. I am feeling better this week. All the meds have helped. I have been very hormonal lately. I miss Bob, and him doing stuff around home. He leaves the 27th for Kansas. For the 6 months. Yes I'll need prayers...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let's grow UP......

Isn't is a kick in the face when someone hangs up on you? I sure hate. it. I guess that person is just VERY immature. I think they may enjoy the new movie FIREPROOF. Puts marriage where it should be...Trust, Love, Respect.

I feel better today. I needed the rest.. :0)

Monday, October 20, 2008

medicine Good.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hey, Just letting family know I went to a walk in clinic today with a big pain in the mouth. I have a killer of a gum infection. So he put me on 3 meds.... an antibiotic, a painkiller and a steroid. I am off to bed now night night.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Weekend.....................

My beautiful spider that lives OUTSIDE.
My beautiful state...
Happy Birthday Monty!!!!!!
Well Tanya and I went to see the movie "FIREPROOF" today and it was so awesome. Every married couple should watch it. Great message. Everyone in the whole place was crying. Even the man next to me.. Kirk Cameron is a super actor and he is very good in this movie. Tanya and I give it two thumbs up. The picture above is Tanya and Marvin's son Monty. This Sunday he turns 10. Happy Birthday rock!!! The other two pictures are of a very cool spider on our front porch. It is big and no I didn't kill it. If you look close on the back it looks like a smile . Does anyone know what kind of spider it is? Let me know...Gail

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Crispy Leaves and Apple Pie

A past pie I baked
The loud cow
Our house from the back

Yep it's Fall. I love it. Cooler weather, Apple stands, Colorful leaves. I drove to the Springs today and since I had my Birthday 25% off coupon for Borders, I bought a new book "SAVE ME FROM MYSELF" It is by Brian"Head"Welch, who use to be the lead guitarist of the group Korn. He went from the life of drugs, etc, to finding God in a big way. It's even autographed by him. I also knew the Borders had a big one day sale, so I got a new Deluxe Scrabble game. The one that has a turn table. I can't wait to play it. On the way home I stopped at 'Third Street Apples' here in town, and got enough apples to bake a pie. YUM. I bought a greenish/red apple. A Jonathan cross. Very juicy. The pie turned out great! I would have a picture of it, but I left my camera at work. Duh. I also made a (mostly) home made pizza for dinner. I used a Boboli crust. It was good also. I love the cool weather, its fun to bake again. I do not want to turn on the furnace yet. Maybe just the small heater. :) It snowed on Pikes Peak today.

Thursday of this past week, my landlords separated a momma cow from her baby. OH Man! She mooed, and mooed, and mooed all night. They want to wean her so she can have another calf . Between the mooing cow and the stupid roosters crowing, I really feel like I'm a farm woman. The five baby chicks are doing well. I do wish Bob was here to do the chicken things. I have no idea, when I will even see Bob again. He is in Texas, and then going to Kansas for training on the new job. Maybe I'll be moving there someday. Me and Toto. Ha ha. So I'll say bye for now and Karen Pelka, congrats on your new grandson JACK!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL......Gail

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Today was Apple Day in my town. There was an Apple Parade, and free slices of Apple pie for the first couple hundred people. I saw lots of former children I had in past classes. I got to hang out with Tanya and Melissa, Shalena, Jason, Seth, and Garret. And my awesome in laws Art and Betty. It was fun. I love parades. Just wanted to share a couple pictures. I was also on the front page of our tiny dinky newspaper....My back. A friend told me about it. Until next time.........Peace and Love.