Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today, in Colorado..... :)

My drive to work.....BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINS

Life is goin. Nothin really new. The weather has been wonderful. Spring like. We really need snow or rain. To we can have moisture. Its just mostly sunshine and in the 60's. LOVE IT!
I got to wear Capri pants today. It was almost 70!
Anyway, I am packing things up. It is very sad. I love where I live in this house. I love the views and the animals. Two of the cows on the property are due to calf next week. :) I love it. It truly makes me upset to have to move. I just can't afford to live here if I don't have Bob's help. I hate packing.

I was offered to rent a room here in Penrose, at an Alpaca farm. It sounded fun, and it was a good price, but I really want to have a place by myself. If at all possible. I am looking. :(
The kids at work are great as always. Saying the funniest things. Three of the boys were playing in the 'home living' area of our room and the little 4 year old yells to me holding a plastic glass "Here Miss Gail, here's your Carmel Machiatto." My favorite coffee drink. It just tickles me to hear them say stuff I taught them in the beginning of the year. Then a 5 year old red head in my class sat next to me on the floor, and laid his head on my lap and I said, "Hey why are you laying on me like I'm a pillow?" He says..."Cuz I love you." It's so great. I love to stand by the playground slide and as they come down the slide. I get static on my hands and zap them as the go flying by me. They laugh, they love it. I love these kids! I have such a great job. Just wish it paid more. Oh well.
I am adding some pictures I took while driving to work. The sunrise on the mountains. Beautiful!....Until next time....Peace and prayers.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Update on Life

Logan and Clark Kent in the house.

Some of the baby goats.

Clark on a chair in the house. So cute. He is potty trained.

Happy President's Day. Seems like there is always some kind of holiday. I guess that is good since I get the day off.

I have been having so many emotional days lately. I am on meds and yeah for that, but I find myself crying more. I go from up and happy to sad and feeling very alone. This is a hard time for me. Altho Bob would just call me a cry baby, I don't care. I am very emotional. I cry at commercials, I cry at TV shows, I cry at work when a child is hurting. That is how I am wired. Women are more that way.

I am trying to pay bills, and plan for the future. I can't stay here because I just can't afford the rent. I really can't afford rent and utilities anywhere. I do not want to leave this place. The landlords are so wonderful, and I am so close to my mother and father in law, by heart and by distance. I love the views here, the quiet, the animals,- horses, alpacas, goats, sheep, cows. God is the provider and I am leaning on Him to guide me. I guess I still haven't let it sink in that Bob doesn't want me anymore. It hurts too much. It really, really hurts me. Bob is so different from me, and I did have a lot of great times with him. I like to talk things out and solve problems, Bob would rather give up. Give up almost 12 years of 'us', give up trying, give up counseling after only one time, give up on being the head of our household. God is #1 in my life. I continue to pray for Bob's heart. God can heal anything. Even us.

If Bob reads this, I am sure he will say I am writing this as a "Poor Gail" thing. Whatever you want to call it, so be it. Rejection sucks and I hate it. I am glad Jesus doesn't reject us. This is my therapy.

I thank my family and some of Bob's, for all the verbal support they have given me. It's good to be loved. My friends have been awesome also. Shoulders to lean on. Now if I could win the lottery, I'd be set. I am scared to death of the lack of money I make, no jobs available around here, and paying monthly bills. I love my job. I don't want to quit. It just pays so little. Summer is no work. I hope something good happens.

Other than that, I had a very quiet Valentine's Day. I visited my Mother and Father in law for a few hours, and then I went out to dinner with sister in law, Melissa for her Birthday. I got to play with their baby goats, and hug my In laws horses. It was a nice day.

Sunday I went to church to do my nursery duty. So fun with little ones. Our new church building will be ready to move into soon. It is so much bigger than where we are right now. It will be a blessing to our growing church family. We have 4 services every week. We have over 700 people every Sunday and growing. When I started going to it, there was only between 200-400 a week. I love the The Vineyard Church. I love worshipping. Can't sing enough to the Lord. So I best be getting to bed. I have to work tomorrow after a 4 day weekend. I miss the kids. Have a nice week. Oh and Happy Birthday Bob on the 22. Ciao 4 now. Keep prayin!!!!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

Justice enjoying his cake.

PIKE'S PEAK about 25 minutes from my house.



Well I am watching the Superbowl as I write this. I made semi hot wings from scratch, and I made very good guacamole. I am here with just Izzy and its okay. I have Bud with me. Budlime. So go Cardinals!!! Also I am so happy Clay Guida won his UFC fight last night in Las Vegas!!! Good job Clay. He is from McHenry , IL. Yesterday I went to my friend Tara's baby's first Birthday party at McDonalds. It was fun and little Justice was covered in chocolate frosting. I will try to add those pictures to this too. What a cute little mess.

Have a happy week where ever you live. It has been in the 60s here the past week. So nice. My friend in KY is without electricity and lost 3 baby goats due to it being so cold and no heat lamps. :( It's all ice where they live. Scary stuff.

I am blessed to live here.

Well I'm goin back to the big game...ciao baby