Saturday, January 24, 2009

ONE DAY AT A TIME ..............................

Do you like my new IKEA lamp?
Just getting caught up on stuff. I am praying more and more these days. I am trying to understand why things happen. Why people you love and have shared everything with, reject you. Why a person you loved so much can totally walk away from you. Why when you call them, they use hurtful words and sarcasim. Why don't they understand that life is a flash? Life is short, life is hard, and friend love is hard to find. I have been punched in the heart. It feels like they reached in my body, and pulled out my heart, then smashed it all over the sidewalk. I am getting on with things, but man oh man I don't know how I am going to do all the bills. I love living where I live. Here alone with my Izzy. I want to continue to live here, but I can't. I have to move. Everyone says ,"You will never find anything as cheap as you are paying now." Great. I know God Provides and I will be good. I only make a bit over minimum wage. Then a lay off in the summer with pay.

It is just the day to day stuff that scare me. I have wonderful in laws that truly care about ME. Thank God for them!!! It makes me so sad that their son doesn't. :( God can change people for the better. God is a big God and I love Him. He is showing me beautiful things everyday. I miss the talking with someone at night, counting on them, the hugs and kisses. I miss the going places, and help with bills. I LOVE marriage. Marriage in the true sense. Love and caring. Doing for each other. Security and protection. Working out problems! Laughs. Unconditional caring.

I love my family and my friends. So many are praying for me. What is better than that? Prayers get me through everything. The Lord is my Shepherd. So who ever is reading this, please keep praying for me to have hope, strength, abilities, laughter, a home and love surrounding me. Have a great day!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I think it is biblical to give thanks in the following manner even in the worst moments. We give thanks . . .

That God is sovereign.That nothing happens by chance.

That God causes all things to work together for good for his children.

That hard times reveal our weakness, break our pride, and show us our total need for God.

That God has triumphed over sin and death through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

That God uses the worst that happens to promote our spiritual growth.

That God is faithful even when we are faithless.

That God’s Word will be vindicated.

That God’s promises are true.

That evil will not reign forever.

That heaven is real.

That this world is not the “real” world.

That when we are weak, he is strong.That his grace is sufficient for every situation.

That nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

That our salvation rests on God and not on us.

That there is no pit so deep that the love of God is not deeper still.

That the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from every sin.

That God delights to save sinners.

That the Lord can soften the hardest heart.

That there are no impossible cases with God.

That even when we feel alone, we are never alone.

That our Father will not test us beyond what we can bear.

That the Holy Spirit abides with us always.

That the Lord Jesus feels our pain.That the Holy Spirit prays for us when we are too weak to pray for ourselves.
That the Lord Jesus intercedes for us so that we are finally saved.

That God uses everything and wastes nothing.

That our doubts cannot cancel God’s work in us.

That someday we will be conformed to the image of Christ.

That God is faithful to finish his work in us.

That our hardships equip us to minister to others.

That we are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace.

That God’s plan far exceeds our puny imagination.

That weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

That we are still God’s children even when our faith falters.

That while we suffer outwardly, we are being renewed inwardly.

That our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal weight of glory.

“Thank God no matter what happens.

If you didin't know, you have recently witnessed two miracales. Both involving air planes. Two crashes, lots of people, and NO ONE killed.........That IS GOD.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Christmas and New Year

Gramma and Brock at Jo and Mikes' table

Gramma and Brock...I LOVE THIS BOY.

Brock making French Toast with me...

Mike and Brock testing out the new motorcycle racers

My nephew Phil modeling kids goggles and lovely pink gloves scarf and warm hat.
My gorgeous Molly and Brock

Barb and Pete's mantle with all the kids, grandkids and Jesus' stockings

Barb's Gingerbread house and my Welcome sign..
Well Happy New Year !!! I got to go to IL. to be with my family this Christmas. I had so much fun. Thanks Barb and Pete for EVERYTHING. They paid for my plane ticket. When I got to IL, it was below zero. Tons of snow everywhere. Then 2 days later, it was raining, and melting, then flooding, then warm. It was very weird.
I can't even remember all I did, but here is some of it.. Barb my sister and I went shopping to Goodwill, Ulta, 1/2 price books, and Sam's and Walmart. We ate pizza, pork chops, went to Gus's with Pete's parents, It was great just being with her and Pete. Jo my other sister, Brock, and I went to IKEA, Portillo's. Mike, Jo Molly , Mike and I went to a very cool place for dinner called TEXAS DE BRAZIL, where they serve yummy meats on huge swords to your table. Oh man it was fun. The salad bar is huge and beautiful. Thanks JO and Mike!

Christmas was so nice to be with everybody. They were very kind to me with all the junk I am going through right now with Bob kicking me out of his life. God will be the judge of all that. I just wished he would be Godly about this.

Molly did my hair again and I love it. She taught me how to use a straight iron. Cool. Molly and Mike and I took Brock to see BEDTIME STORIES, with Adam Sadler. It was great. So cute! While with Molly and Mike I got to see TROPICAL THUNDER, THE NEW BATMAN, SARAH MARSHALL, AND SEVEN POUNDS. I think that is all. We watched a bunch of movies. Brock was wonderful and funny. He is so smart. 4 years old and knows his letters and colors and he is a riot. I am so proud of him. He got a paint swirl set for Christmas and he wanted to play with it a lot. I even went out and bought more card board and cut it to fit. It is fun to watch Brock use his little talents. I gave him a Fisher Price digital camera for Christmas. He is really good with it. Wow. I guess I have taught him something about cameras. He still uses mine with great results. Little Ansel Adams. LOL. Brock has learned to play PBS games on the computer so now he asks Molly and Mike, "Can I go on line?" Sounds so funny coming from a 4 year old. New years eve was a little rough on our whole family with something that happened, but God is in control of everything so I am leaving it to HIM.
I got home Jan 2. I had run out of propane and the house was cold. They can't deliver til Monday, so I have little space heaters around. Brrrrr. Seriously, it was warmer outside than in the house. My land lords will be here for the propane delivery. Without Bob helping, it will be hard to stay here. Again, God is in control of me. Stay tuned.. I will add some pictures to this blog. Thank you to everyone who drove me everywhere, took me out to eat, took care of me, and for all the hugs. I love you all. Happy New, Gail