Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Friends, Aunts , and Kids........

I have so many nice friends. I love them. Some from my past, some from my work. I just wanted to say thanks, God, for my friends. I appreciate JT reading this . He calls it his soap opera. I miss ya. JT. Nother one?
I have lost two of my aunts in the last two weeks. Wow. My Aunt Carlene from Aurora, Colorado, and Aunt May from Hastings, MI. Aunt Carlene was so nice to me. She let me do fun things with her kids, my cousins at their house. I will never forget her. Aunt May taught me about animals. She had a farm in Vermontville, MI. She raised MINK, cows, rabbits, and pigs. I also remember her upstairs bedroom where Joey and I slept had lots of hornets. I was so scared. But I loved the farm. I learned a lot there. The minks smelled awful, and were so mean, but so pretty. P. U.
I took my neice, Rochelle to lunch at 'Sonic' and to the movies to see 'Shaggy Dog' last Sunday after church. Cute movie. Loved the credits. Lots of cute dog pictures. Check it out.
Bob started on nights. 7 pm to 7 am. I miss him. It' s so far away. So long. Just coming home to dogs is kinda boring. But I am glad they are here. Waaa. I sound so whiny.
I have a couple of friends at work I am praying for. Both of them are going through medical problems and they are only in their 20's. I love them. God please fix them. I hate seeing them so sad, in pain, and stressed out.
As I say in every blog, I miss Brock. Man, that boy makes my life shine. He is everything to my life. I thank God I work with the kids I work with. Nate, Roger, Dalton, Derek, Luke, Lainey, Neva etc, etc . So full of hugs and love for Miss Gail. To teach a child something, letters, numbers, songs, stuff about life, gives me a feeling of doing something right. I love it. I love kids!!!!! Thank you God.................
Until next time.....Peace

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day. It was a fun day a work. The kids wore green. The girl I assist is home with Pneumonia. I feel so bad for her. She missed the last two days and will be off Monday also. I miss her.
Lately I feel different. Like I want to live a fuller life. I miss Brock so much. I got to talk to him on the phone a few minutes ago. He said "Gamma". He just brightens my life. Children are so wonderful, innocent, and truthful. I love them. I know I should be writing down every funny thing these kids say. Billy said the other day...in my ear.."Miss Gail, I like the way you hug me", and "you smell good" So cute. Little Luke is so into new things. so curious about life. We recently got a new Asian girl come to our Center. Luke says to me.."Miss Gail, We should have a chinese party, to make her feel good." What a heart he has. Luke is 4. I love my job. I just keep going back and forth about leaving there and joining Bob in the Nuclear world. It would double what I make now. I hate that Bob and I are apart so much of the year. So we would be together. Thats good, but can I leave all these adorable kids? I don't know yet. I know I would be able to go back there and work. Thats good. Today at our weekly meeting, our boss Linda, gave us each a bag with our favorite soda, a pen, a neon post it notes and a candy bar, and the best part... A piece of paper with our qualities on it. Mine said.."Gail, you have a great personality and sense of humor." Very neat. It was just a simple, sweet thing to do. We all loved it.
Bob has passed all his tests in MI, and Monday they start the actual outage. He will be gone five more weeks. AGH. How do I do it? God helps me. I pray alot. I just want Bob to be safe. I want Bob to be Godly. I pray for him to be healthy. I think the thing that scars me is if he got sick, or hurt, how would I get there fast? Too far apart. So I just pray for him to be safe at all times. Thats why I want to be with him. I don't know. I just pray.......
Good news on my niece Katie. Barb says she is on her meds and doing great. Please God keep this good stuff going. It is good to hear Barb upbeat. I want to see Katie back with her husband and children. I pray more. God is in control.
Pilgrim our, almost 4 month old puppy, is doing so good. Last night he slept next to me on the bed and did fine. He is a good little puppy. I love to see him when I come home...I even put a picture of him up on our supply closet in the class room. Along with about 28 other pictures of the kids. Like I said before, I want to live a fuller life. I want God to show me where he wants me to be. Show me what he wants me to do. I'm here God.........fill me with your wisdom.....Gail

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Tattooed Thoughts

Here I am I don't know what happened to my blog 'tattoome'. I hope you look here now. I guess.
Today was fun a t work. funny kids. But yesterday my favorite little Roger got 8 stitches on his forehead. He was just taking off his coat, and tripped, and hit his head. :( He was brave. I love that kid.
The other day Billy says to me, in my ear, "Miss Gail, I like the way you hug me." Well that made my day. I have to start writing down everything funny hey say. Derek said, "We can't use the toilet cuz it overfloated. " Little Luke said the other day as we got a new Asian child in our center. "Miss Gail we should have a Chinese party for Mika, to make her feel happy." That boy has the biggest heart. And he loves the Lord. He made me draw the insides of our body to help him understand where our food goes. It was hilarious. I just love these kids.
Bob is taking tests this week, and passing them all with 99's. Next week starts the real outage. So far from home. :(
Have a nice weekend.....love, Gail

Monday, March 13, 2006

Back Home in CO

Well, after a couple rough airplane flights home, I'm home. The flight was an hour late. Got to Colorado Springs at 10:30, got home at midnight. Got up at 7 am. I went to work at 8:30. It was a bummer because Bob and I only had 9 hours together and most of that was sleeping. He left today for a Nuclear job in MI. He'll be gone til late April or early May. Or he could go right to another job. This life is no fun. He is so good at what he does at the power plants, and he is cherished. But I just do not like being apart for soooo long. I hope something good changes this. I pray for us to be together.
Anyway..... Babysitting Brock was so fun. When Brock and I went to Wal-mart, It was like something took me over, (yea, Brock) Anything he wanted, I bought. A train bouncy ball, Pez, Thomas the Train, Shiny Easter eggs, Dora fruit snacks, Dora soft tub letters..... Oh my gosh. I don't care, he is worth it. We had so much 'on the floor' fun time. We played with Hot Wheels track and cars, Balls, and reading books, and doing puzzles, and laughing, and dancing. Boy can that boy dance!!!. He did so good on his new potty. I taught him to put up two fingers and say "two" He'll be two in May. I tried to teach him "Hang Loose." He is so cute when he tries to do that. I love my little Brock-a-riffic. Molly and Mike had fun while in Mexico, and brought me back a very cool Harley Davidson shirt. Thanks guys!! I wore it to work today.
Other stuff going on.....My sister Barb's 'other' daughter, Katie, I guess, tried to be with her sister last week. Made many bad choices, and is now under Doctor's care. Please pray for Katie, and especially for Barb. How much can a mom take? God is in control of everything and He sees the end of this madness. I just want God to cradle Barb in his hands and heal this sad mess. God Heals!!!!!! Enough about that....
Another sad note, my Aunt Carlene passed away last Friday, in Colorado, near Denver. :( She was a wonderful woman. I ask for prayers for her family..Her children, my cousins, Lois, Laurie, Ray Jr, and Phil. While I was in IL, my friend Jim R's mom passed away also. I went to the wake and saw a couple old friends. I also met the famous ' Gloria Jean' of the Gloria Jean Coffee Bean chain. Pretty cool. How bout that JT? One more for my list. Ha ha.
I also got to see Mandy while in IL. She was on a leave from work. Her aide's little girl had locked the bathroom door and closed it from the outside. Well Mandy asked me if I could fix it. I did..with an egg whisk. Figure that out...
A funny thing happened during a Military service for my parents last week. The service was great. Taps, the flag being folded, the drill team firing a 21 gun salute. While the Vets were flipping their guns around, They were all in sync, and as they tapped their guns on the ground, one of them tapped his gun on the ground and it fell apart. Into a few pieces. I almost laughed. But since I didn't look at JoAnne, I kept it together. I think my Dad was there trying to make us laugh with one of his goofy stunts. Thanks Dad.
Today at work, the kids were happy to see me, and I was thrilled to see them, and get all their hugs. :) They all had stories to tell me and it was good to be back there. Little Nate just wanted to sit on my lap all day. Ya know, I really do get my grandma fix working there. If I can't have Brock with me, This is the next best thing. Little Pilgrim, was excited to see me again. It's back to momma spoiling him. I guess that is all for now. I am so tired, I need to sleep. I embrace any and all prayers from you. God is the only one who has all the answers. God Bless you all, and Molly, thanks for doing my hair, I love it.......................................................................love, Gail/Mom

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Tattooed Thoughts

I am in IL babysitting Brock and I can't tell you how fun it is. He rocks. I bought him a potty chair today and already he has gone about 8 times. Oh my gosh what a big boy. He also peed on grandma, but oh well. Brock is only 22 mns old. he loves soap bubbles, and running into my arms from two rooms over. He is just so funny. He talks in his own funny words. I can pretty much understand him too. He says PLEASE-' peez'.
And Grandma- 'mom ma' . This is the best job in the world. Bein a grandma. Ok gotta go get him to bed. love to all...gail

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I sit here on the one year anniversary of Laurie's suicide. I hate that she did this. 20 YEARS OLD. It has changed our family so much. I love her still, but I hate that she is gone. Bob and I drove up Skyline Drive and released a yellow balloon with Laurie's name on it. And her web site.. www.LaurieBoncimino.com I would hope that someone who is sad and thinking of taking their life would go to her web site and read everything. And see how wrong suicide is. So senseless, so selfish, so hurtful to others that love you. There is someone you can talk to. Don't ever think there isn't. I could tell you about 800 people Laurie could have called. Man oh man I miss her smile.......................................................................................................................................................................GF