Sunday, February 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Bob.................................

Not much new. This past week was Bob's Birthday. We went out to dinner with our friends and their beautiful one year old. Man does she behave well in a resturant. We were impressed. After dinner we went back to their house and watched Grey's Anatomy. It was fun. I got Bob a Key Lime pie instead of cake. Oh it was good.
Bob put up a new fence in the backyard for the dogs. It is actually a hog fence and the dogs are small enough to walk right through it. So he put a shock thing on it like on a horse fence. I hope they are both alive by my next post. I hate those fences. Anyway, this will help Pilgrim stay in our yard.
I want to wish Heidi and Jim a Happy Anniversary today. God Heals. God Loves. Speaking of God, I better get ready for church.. :) Peace...........Gail

Friday, February 16, 2007

Rambling Tumbleweeds...................

Happy Friday. Had to write this down. Today in Colorado, we had high wind warnings. Tumbleweeds fly all over, and all over the roads. Its so funny to see huge tumbleweeds flattened on the front of a car. Being from Il., I still find it funny to see tumbleweeds. I went back to my old place of work to be a sub today. Well, one of my old students had a Valentine for me with a blow pop. I thought that was the sweetest thing. I got so many hugs and kisses. Its nice to have love.....Happy Weekend all. Gail

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day...2007

Hi all, and Happy Valentine's day. Worked today. Some of the kids gave me presents. Chocolate and candy, and a beautiful heart stitched bag. So cool. It's still snowing here. I thought that ground hog said no more winter. I feel sorry for everyone in upstate New York. Its pretty, but what will happen when it all melts? Yikes.
We have our dear friend Mitch staying with us a couple days. Remember Mitch? A year and a half ago he was given 5% chance of surviving a head on crash with a Mac Truck on the 4th of July. I asked everyone to pray for him. Well, he is now a walking miracle!!! No cane, no crutches, nothin. He gives God all the glory with his recovery. Months in the hospital, rehab, more surgeries and now he is working again!! He and Bob are Radiation Tech workers in the Nuclear Power Plants. Wow. He is full of titanium. Praise God for his healing!! Jesus can heal anything!!! Marriages, relationships, bodies, sadness, anything. Put your trust in HIM.
Tonight we went to MOMO's Japanese Resturant and ate sushi. Lots of Sushi. It was fun. And lots of left overs. Anyway, just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day, and a special I love you to my daughter Molly, son-in-law Mike, and my beautiful grandson, BROCK. I love you guys so much. Peace........

Saturday, February 10, 2007


BONJOUR everyone. It is a frosty day here in Colorado. Bob is making breakfast, the dogs are playing, I am freezing in the cold living room. No auctions today. Boo Hoo. We took Bob's dad and step mom out to dinner last night. They are two very wonderful people. We had to go to Salida, CO to pick up our pig we had 'packaged'.
Work this week was wacky. Checking for headlice. Yuck. Its goin around. Strep throat, and pink eye. The fun of working with kids. Luckily, I haven't gotten anything. Yay.
All is well, and I just stop and think how blessed I am. I have a nice place to live with Bob, a cool car to drive, great friends and family. I would only change having Molly, Mike and Brock close to me. I miss them so much. I am so blessed. I have Jesus as my savior, a very fun church to be a part of. Eyes to see how artistic God is. The sunrises and sunsets have been so beautiful this week. I have arms to hug kids, legs to go to work with and run around with the kids. I am blessed with compassion for children with big, scary worries like how afraid they feel about going to kindergarten in the fall. Thats my job, getting these kids ready for Kindergarten. And they do a wonderful job. Have a nice weekend all. love, Gail

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday, Feb. 4th, 2007

OK, so the Bears didn't win the Superbowl. It's ok. I was happy just to see them playing in the Superbowl. Maybe next year boys......We had friends over and ate stuff and drank mexican drinks. Their very adorable little girl, turned one today, so it was a fun day all around. At church Bob and I gave out communion. Now its time to go to bed and sleep a bit to get up at 5:30. Yawn......You have to read my nephews blog..Greg Bonicimino . He and his family are living in Malaysia for 4 yrs. They have only been there 6 mns and it was so cool to read how different life is back here. Us americans are too fast paced, too fat, to impatient, and too busy with 'stuff.' I agree. Go check it out. Love to you all...Gail