Sunday, February 26, 2006


I am so glad Bob is home safe. It was a little over a month but it gets so lonely without him. I leave this Friday for IL and he stays here. I can't wait to be with Brock again. Then when I get back he leaves for MI. Oh bummer. I will just cherish the time we are together. We are having fun playing with the dogs and looking at his over 100 emails he had while he was gone. I also made him a belated Birthday cake.
This Thursday, will mark one year since my niece, Laurie took her life . Oh wow I still can't believe she is gone. I am glad I had that dream about her back a few months. I actually talked right to her, and touched her face in my dream and it felt so real. I am still mad she left us the way she did. It hurts so big. So if you think about it, this Thursday, say a prayer, release a balloon at 5 pm, or think of Barb and all of us. Love and reflections..........................................GAIL

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cold Colorado Sunday

Church was so good today. We saw a video clip of a skit Willow Creek did a while back. What was funny, was I was there the day I saw it in person at Willow Creek. . It was about caring about people and letting them know you are there for them. I brought my niece with me to church today. It was fun. I think she really liked it because we have a great worship band. Nobody falls asleep in our church. We went out to eat afterwards. Then went over to Bob's folk's house to see his half sister Fay. The one Bob named our Greyhound after. Her and Larry live in New Mexico, and were in town to visit his dad at the place he lives nearby. It was good to see them. After that we came back to our house and we watched TV and laughed. It was a fun day. I miss my Bob. He should be home next Sunday. I am really praying he finds a job here. Instead of traveling. We need to be together. Wednesday is Bob's birthday. Another birthday with him gone. No fun. Oh well. I will say bye for now. Peace..............................................Gail

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Here I am again. It has been a while since I posted because I couldn't. I use to be Tattooedthoughts. Now I am Tattoome. It's me Gail.
How was your Valentine's Day? Mine was fun at work. I am now a teacher's aide for 2-1/2 year olds to 5 year olds. We had a fun party and ate sugary treats and shared Valentine's. I love how something so simple can make a child sooooo happy. Yea, I got a very pretty heart frame from one family and a small box of chocolates from another. And so many Valentines. I missed my Valentine, as he is working in IL til next week. :( Poor me.
I went to the medical lab today and had a mammogram and some blood work done. I hope nothing is wrong, but it is all in God's hands. No worry.
I am getting so excited to go to Il in March to babysit Brock. I need to get away from here. It has really been a mild winter here in Southern Colorado. It snowed last night, and now its all but gone. I hate driving on snow covered roads. I just freak out. I drive slow and careful, but ya never know if the other guy passing you will skid or slide. Ask Bob, when he drives, I look down and not at the road. Too spooky. I love snow. It is beautiful. Yes. I just hate driving in it.
I have been praying for my son-in-law's brother, Tommy, who fell at work, 35 feet down onto concrete. He shattered his feet, tailbone, and four vertabraes in his neck. God be with him every painful step of the way to his healing. Please pray for him.
Pilgrim our little Rat Terrier puppy is doing great. He is really learning how to potty outside, and how mad mommy gets when he goes in the house. Fay the greyhound has taught him to go outside and he is doing so good. He never poops in his crate while I am gone. I love him. I am trying to teach him to shake his little paw. He loves the liverwurst I give him as a reward. He is just so fun. His kisses are tiny and cherished. Fay is finally playing with him. Tug of war with any squeaky toy within reach. So cute. Then Pilgrim will run full speed around the house showing off for Fay. It is a hoot.
I think that catches you up on everything since last month. I am excited to be doing Calligraphy for Katie R's wedding . Keeps me in practice....
Til next time be safe, be loved.....Gail